Posted on May 09, 2007
According to an article in the May 8, 2007 edition of The Washington Post, there is no evidence at filing a medical malpractice is like playing the lottery. The article was published in the Health section of the paper. The author, Sandra Boodman cites a law review article written by Phillip Peters, Jr. in the Michigan Law Review for the proposition that “there is no empirical evidence to support the much publicized notion that the tort system amount to a lottery for injured plaintiffs, as President Bush and others have long maintained. . . .If anything, the system appears to be biased against them”. The article goes on to state that “overall, injured patients win only about 27 percent of all malpractice cases that go to trial--the lowest rate of any category of tort litigation”. President Bush has been claiming for years that there are too many nuisance medical malpractice lawsuits but neither he nor any of its allies who are calling for changes that would make it harder for injured people to recover for their injuries have cited any reliable statistics to support their argument.